The mission of the Platte County High School Counseling Center is to support all students in planning their high school and post-secondary opportunities through collaboration with students, parents, faculty, and community in the areas of academics, personal/social, and careers through a comprehensive school counseling program. Visit the links below for more information.
Counseling Center Contact Information/Staff
1501 Branch
Platte City, MO 64079
Phone: 816-858-2822
Fax: 816-858-5140
Counseling Department Hours:
7:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Need to meet with a counselor or social worker? Click here.
Need to meet with the Postsecondary Advisor? Click here.
Need a letter of recommendation from your counselor? Click here.
Need to request a Schedule Change? Click here.
If you need to meet with your student's counselor please call or email the counselor to set an appointment.

Geoff Heckman
Department Chair
School Counselor
S-Z students
816-858-2822 x. 1213
Welcome Message

Marissa Pablo
School Counselor
E-K students
816-858-2822 x. 1212
Welcome Message

Sandi Ogden
School Counselor
A-D students
Scholarship Coordinator
816-858-2822 x. 1214

Heather Brown
School Counselor
L-R students
816-858-2822 x. 1211
Welcome Message

Victoria Bond
School Social Worker
816-858-2822 x. 1278
email |

Mikyla Murphy
Postsecondary Advisor
816-858-2822 x. 2133
email |

Wanda Wilkerson
816-858-2822 x. 1208
email |